Seminar tackles foreclosures

A My Home ? My Future, Home Ownership Retention Seminar has been scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road. This meeting is free and open to all Oakland County homeowners.
Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson has initiated the free foreclosure intervention and prevention seminars to help families protect their most valuable asset, their home.
‘The impact of rising foreclosures on Oakland County families and communities is of great concern to county and community leaders,? said County Commissioner Mike Gingell.
Besides losing earned equity, damaging credit and other monetary losses, losing a home to foreclosure and displacing a family causes emotional, physical and psychological distress.
Topics at this seminar include budgeting, credit, choosing the right mortgage when refinancing, steps to stop the foreclosure process, and what to do after the foreclosure process has started.
For more information, call Oakland County Housing Counseling toll free at (888)350-0900, ext. 85402, or visit