Shame on cyber ballot-stuffers

The handful of individuals responsible for inflating the cityhood website’s on-line poll should be ashamed of themselves.
What they did was dishonest and childish.
The future of Oxford government – be it in a plural or singular form – is currently being debated.
Some members of the public are trying to learn all the facts in order to make informed decisions.
The last thing we need are a few arrogant individuals tainting public opinion by presuming to make their vote count more than everyone else’s.
One of the underpinnings of our democratic republic is the idea of “one man, one vote.”
By inflating the cityhood poll with both “yes” and “no” votes, these cyber cheaters not only violated that principle, they robbed their fellow citizens of the chance to have a meaningful voice in a public forum concerning their future.
Whenever a few unscrupulous individuals abuse a system, everyone pays the price.
None of us live in a vacuum. Every single one of our actions has consequences that affect others, be they good or bad. We urge the vote-stuffers to grow up and take responsibility for their actions.
What they did wasn’t illegal, but it was certainly ethically wrong and unfair to others. – CJC