Slow down for school buses

Dear Editor,
My husband and I just bought our first home on Oak Hill Road in Brandon Township. We love the area and love the schools. However, for the past two weeks several drivers have run the red lights of both buses that our young children ride (including a special needs bus). I can’t believe any responsible adult would do this.
This behavior is dangerous not only for my sons, but for the other children who are on those buses. As you might remember, a little girl up in Davison was killed by a driver who ran a bus? lights several years ago. It is dangerous and illegal to pass a bus with red lights on. Drivers in both lanes of traffic are required to stop. The bus drivers in this district are wonderful and courteous. They will pull over to the side of the road to allow drivers to pass when it is safe to do so and when all students are secure. For the safety of our children, please remind drivers to slow down when buses are in the area and to stop when a bus turns on their lights. Saving an extra minute or two of your drive time is not worth risking the safety of these kids.
Jodi Hensley