State medical registry now law

Michigan State Senator Jim Marleau (R-Lake Orion) has announced that Governor Rick Snyder signed Senate Bill 723 into law on June 19, thereby creating an electronic database for Michigan residents wishing to have their medical records accessible to physicians when traveling out of state.
It is the first electronic registry of its kind in the nation, and offers an opportunity to record advance directives such as end-of-life issues, religious preferences, patient advocates, and other important decisions patients choose to make in advance.
Marleau expects Michigan to now ‘lead the nation in empowering residents to control access to their health care wishes. As in the infamous Terry Schiavo debacle, ‘the decisions we make about the care we want at the end of our lives are extremely personal and important,? Marleau stated.
The registry will not rely on public funds to operate; instead it will be supported by Michigan’s Gift of Life Foundation, Marleau said.
For more information about this unique health-registry initiative, you can contact bill sponsor Senator Marleau at 248-724-2442.or