Student-led night of prayer

A student-led prayer group invites the community to Depot Park, 6-10 p.m., Saturday, May 4, for Enkindle the Remnant.
Growing out of the Life Club at Clarkston High School, the event will include prayer and break out sessions, said organizer Josh Kuruvilla.
“This is not about a church or an individual, but a community uniting in prayer,” said Kuruvilla, senior at Clarkston High.
The students have been working to organize it since January.
“It’s Josh’s idea ? it’s really cool,” said Jonas Sese, senior.
“I was with some of the guys from the life group at an individual’s home prayer meeting,” Kuruvilla said. “The youth pastor heard us talking about what was going on, and talked with us. He mentioned his 16-year vision of a prayer event at Depot Park. It spoke to our hearts, and we decided to go for it.”
They reached out to community groups and churches, and got permission from Clarkston City Council for the event.
“It’s great ? people from different groups gathering together in one group,” said David Keer, junior.
The name of the event refers to Kuruvilla’s experience with the Life Club Bible study ? membership was down last year.
“We were praying about ending the Life Club, but then we found out about a couple of guys that were interested. Instead of ending, these guys entered the club like we were a smoldering candle, and they relit it,” he said.
“This last year, my relationship with Jesus has really taken off,” Sese said. “I’m in a new place in my life ? I really care about my community, my family, the people I grew up around. There’s a strong community of people who care about this group.”
Check facebook/enkindletheremnant for more information.
? Phil Custodio