‘The 11th hour is upon him’

Brandon Twp.-Demolition crews are set to move in and move John Sloan out.
On July 6, Addison Disposal will demolish Sloan’s partially constructed home and a ruined Quonset hut located at 1076 LeGault Boulevard and clean up debris around the 3-acre property that includes broken concrete, boards and metal.
Sloan could stop the demolition only if he completes prior to July 6 seven requirements the township has set forth. He must fully enclose the roof to meet applicable building codes; complete the roof gable; install all exterior siding; remove all commercial equipment from the property; submit a written structural engineer’s report based on an internal examination of the home; close and secure the Quonset hut; and remove all materials and debris from the property.
‘We’ve been as patient as we can be,? said Ron Lapp, township supervisor. ‘The 11th hour is upon him. If these (stipulations) aren’t done, demoliton begins.?
The township approved on April 18 the company’s bid of $10,350 to rid the township and neighbors of the eyesore.
Sloan began construction on the home more than four years ago, but after a lengthy delay in completion several township neighbors appealed to the township to clean up or complete the construction process.
Cleaning up the three acre property surrounding the home is imperative, say officials both for safety reasons and removing the mess so neighbors no longer have to look at it.
After five court cases and six building extensions the township board voted to honor a court order to remove the half-built home and the surrounding debris.
‘The neighbors have been patient with us,? says Lapp. ‘We’ll see what happens.?