Those donated political $s are buying something

Those donated political $s are buying something
Can you think of any way that all the millions of dollars being spent on political campaigning will result in a brighter future for our state/country?
I don’t like starting a column with a question, particularly one to which there is no defendable answer, but doggone it, this apparent buying of offices has me very disturbed.
Four years ago Jennifer Granholm won the office by defeating then-Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus. The Dems spent about $9.3 million and the GOP about $8.5.
This gubernatorial campaign spending estimates range from $50 million to $100 million. My column writing friend Dick Milliman wrote in his ‘Almanack,? ‘That amount of money to elect a governor is frightening. It’s obvious somebody thinks winning the governor’s office is worth a whale of a lot of money, and motivations likely are not limited simply to good government.?
Then there is the money given to go-betweens who have an ‘in? with politicians, who are given money by someone, or some cause, or some company, who expect their contributions to buy something. Like an Abramoff.
We’re deluged with stories of graft and corruption in other countries, and we’re suspect of congressional actions here that bring particular favors to certain industries, states, programs, etc.
I, too, am a political donor. Every two years when our county commissioner runs for office I give him $200.
That will hardly buy me any political favors, and I’m equally certain Bill Patterson wouldn’t sell me any favors. I’ve known him as a good and honest man for over 30 years and mostly my $200 gets me a thank you and an old story.
Some Michigan Senate contests are expected to raise $2 million. Some house seats $200,000. When that much money is being given it can’t be wrong to conclude something is being bought.
In Michigan, where we have the highest unemployment rate in the U.S., our Dem. Governor has yet to improve our economy, and our GOP legislature is opposed to allowing it to happen with her getting an iota of credit.
So, we have a standstill in Lansing. We have millions of dollars being spent to elect people who apparently would rather make the whole state suffer than pass meaningful, economic legislation.
Milliman continues, ‘It is amazing and sad that elective politics costs so much money. What’s even more amazing and just as sad is that individuals and interests are willing to invest such amounts to determine who is elected to public office.?
Then he asks questions, for which neither he nor I have answers: ‘What are the motivations of the givers, and what do they expect in return for their money? What strings are attached to such extensive and intensive fund raising? How do takers react once in office?
‘Are we selling our government to the highest bidder? If so, how do we get away from it? Is an effective system of representative government — that is, government of the people, by the people, for the people — in danger? If so, can it be rescued and how?
‘We the people better take an intensive, clear look at these problems before it’s too late.?
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Don’t you love some church bulletin bloopers?
‘Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack’s sermons.
‘For those of you who have children and don’t know it, there is a nursery downstairs.?