Township eyes centralized waste program for residents

Groveland Twp.- For years, township officials have battled proposals to locate a landfill here.
Now, Supervisor Bob DePalma hopes a study approved by Oakland County last week will help the township put the issue to rest for good, as well as save township residents money.
The purpose of the study, paid for by a Capital and Cooperative Initiative Revolving Fund grant, is to develop a system to handle solid waste in the north end of Oakland County, including Groveland.
‘We will look at technologies to make landfills a thing of the past and also help our residents save more money,? DePalma said. ‘Part of this might be having one hauler in a centralized waste program, which might also include curbside recycling and looking at new technologies that are environmentally green.?
Residents currently choose and pay for their own waste removal carrier. DePalma said one waste removal company for the entire township could result in less wear on roads, and savings for residents with a special assessment that may be substantially less than what they pay for individual carriers.