By Shelby Stewart
Staff Wrtier
Brandon Twp- Residents in the township have taken notice of the excessive dust on the dirt roads this summer.
“Road dust affects everyone that comes in contact with it,” said Granger Road resident Tim Crain in a written statement to the township board. “It adversely affects older individuals and younger kids more so, however, everyone will have symptoms based on how long and/or much they breathe in road dust.”
The roads are treated on a schedule through grading and chloride treatments, including Granger Road, which is treated by the Road Commission for Oakland County.
“Also, contributing to poor road conditions is the increased speed,” he said. “Giving gas going up the hill create washboard and dust even sooner. Speeding down the hill causes clouds of dust for up to half a mile or more, with visibility at your vehicles hood.”
The roads are treated on a schedule throughout the summer, however, due to weather the treatment may not stick.
“I know that the road commission is now notifying the state police once our roads are graded and chlorided, then they have 14 days to come out and do a speed study,” said Kathy Thurman, township supervisor. “So they were notified the first time that the roads were done, the state police did not come out, so the road commission will be notifying them every time.”
“It appears that the Oakland County Road Commission is scheduled to re-gravel sections of Brandon roads next year, however, if they continue to use inferior material or wrong materials, the results will be the same,” said Crain. “The definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.”
For any residents who want to voice their concerns on this issue, the next township board meeting is scheduled for July 2 at 7 p.m. at the township offices,