Trustee Petterson missing in action at meetings

Rae Luallen of Independence Township isn’t happy Trustee Mark Petterson hasn’t been regularly attending board meetings.
‘I find it very frustrating that someone can hold a position and still get paid and not attend,? Luallen said.
The last board meeting Petterson attended was on Sept. 4 after missing meetings since April 3. Since taking office in December 2008, Petterson has been absent from 25 regular board meetings.
In April, Petterson told The Clarkston News he wouldn’t run for office again because his work at Allied Construction makes it difficult for him to make board meetings.
‘When I’m able to make a meeting, I will,? he said. ‘I wish I didn’t have to work so late.?
Petterson pointed out that he sits on ‘four different lake boards? and is the president of the Clarkston Chiefs while also serving as trustee.
When Luallen complained, ‘For several months, we’ve been absent Mark Petterson,? the board said they could do nothing regarding his pay.
According to Michigan law 41.95, the salary of an elected township official cannot be decreased during the official’s term of office.