Vast opportunity for positive changes in our educational community

To the editor:
To the Brandon School Board:
I am writing to let you know my concerns with how the district has been operated since Mr. Miller arrived here three years ago. Shortly after he and Marian Horowitz were hired, we had a meeting at Brandon High School regarding the potential for a joint project to develop an ecologically friendly wastewater treatment facility also known as a ‘Living Machine,? which has been developed by Dr. John Todd. It was proposed this system would be jointly shared between Brandon Schools and the Village of Ortonville. Present were Village of Ortonville representatives, Mr. Tom Miller, Ms. Marian Horowitz, Mr. Greene, and myself. It was illustrated how this type of wastewater treatment facility could provide ample opportunity to engage students with advanced learning opportunities (it still could).This could also present Brandon Schools to the world as a rider on the edge of technology and advanced learning opportunities, not to mention the educational investment dollars and increased student enrollment that goes with the territory. The only educator in the room that was excited to explore this as a potential opportunity was Ms. Horowitz. Mr. Greene spoke up with ‘there’s nothing wrong with Brandon Schools and we don’t need to change.? Mr. Miller seemed non-committal but basically I left with the impression he sided with Mr. Green’s assessment.
I followed up with a letter to Mr. Miller about a subject that has some relevance to the original subject and that was in regards to Kearsley Creek contamination.
I never received a response.
It is my understanding that Marian Horowitz was ‘reassigned? to the CHOICES program and is now going to retire. Why was such a promising educator sidelined? This almost happened to Dr. Ferguson also. Why? I am sorry to see Ms. Horowitz leave and believe that she should be the next school superintendent, if she would even consider the offer.
In closing, I am asking you to all seriously investigate whether our students and the community can be better served with a more open-minded school superintendent. The times they are a-changing, and we can ill afford to operate education in the 20th century mode. There is a vast opportunity to bring about positive changes in our educational community, and we already have great resources in students, staff, and a natural environment that also provides many unique opportunities.
James W. Bates