Victory Games meeting, Nov. 6

Independence Township Parks and Recreation is recruiting a competitive sports team for Michigan Victory Games.
All are welcome. In order to compete, athletes must have a primary physical disability, ages 7 and up. Events include: Slalom, Swimming, Hand cycling, Bocce, Cycling, Bowling, Track and Field Events, Table Tennis, Power-lifting. Some indoor practice dates have been set for February and March.
‘It is a well run event from volunteers to coaches to participants. It is competitive (for athletes) yet it is a chance for athletes to also meet new friends,? said Aaron Whatley, Independence Outlaws coach.
A Team Meeting is set for Thursday, Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m., Senior Center, Clintonwood Park, 6000 Clarkston Road. Call Kelly at 248-625-8223 or email khyer@twp.independence.
Independence Township Parks and Recreation partners with STRIVE, Inc. for Therapeutic Recreation programs for those 14 years and older, with cognitive disabilities, with or without physical disabilities. Non residents welcome. Current offerings include basketball, softball, Pizza and a Movie, Craft Night, Game Night and Cooking Night.