By David Fleet
Goodrich-A new village nature park featuring a natural pathway has been designated off Cemetery Street, just west of the cemetery. The trail, about

1,800 feet, will meander through woodlands along the Kearsley Creek. The village Parks & Recreation Committee, along with volunteers from the community started marking the trail earlier this year.
“Much work is yet to be done,” said Angie Adamec, village Parks & Recreation committee member and volunteer. “The trail project is just beginning and we need volunteers.”
The village property was once part of the Pierson Farm, along with another small properties, and incorporates a variety of lowland and upland with access to the creek. The new four acre park features a variety of established trees such as oak, hickory and walnut, along with wildflowers and an open grassy field. Two Goodrich Boy Scouts, Gordon Brown and Cameron Bellamy, have Eagle Scout projects planned for the new park consisting of a variety of bird houses and an outdoor classroom. Reid Elementary School students are helping to name this park, as it is just a short walk from their school.
Volunteers needed to help clear logs and brush from the trail contact the Parks & Rec through the Village 810-636-2570 and leave your contact information.
To assist the village in securing a county grant to help construct the nature trail, go to the Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission at GCMPC.ORG and take a short survey to help the County plan ahead. Click on “Take Our Survey !” and help the chances to win $2,000 for this new park.