Village of Goodrich receives ‘clean? audit report

Goodrich – A ‘clean? audit report was presented at the Jan. 14 village council meeting by Steven Kidd, CPA an associate of Lewis & Knopf, CPAS.
Kidd explained that the ‘clean? audit, the highest level of assurance for financial statements, was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
‘I didn’t anticipate anything different,? said Jakki Sidge, who has been the village administrator since 1995. She said to her knowledge, the village has never received a bad audit.
Sidge said last total account balances added up to $835,965. The treasurer’s report given at the Jan. 14 meeting was $850,923 approximately $15,000 more than their balance in July.
‘How many councils can say that their account balance is reporting a balance that is more now than six months ago?? she said. ‘We don’t have any more projects scheduled.?