Village receives clean audit

Ortonville- The village has received a clean audit from Lewis and Knopf.
The certified public accounting firm bestowed upon the village the highest level of assurance possible for the village’s financial statements.
‘There were no control issues reported,? said Village Manager John Lyons. ‘We have a healthy fund balance.?
That healthy fund balance is $601,800, or 87.07 percent. Lyons said that is almost a year of operating costs for the village, but he noted the village also has a bridge to build. The Ball Street Bridge will be replaced in 2014, at a cost to the village of roughly $100,000.
Besides bridge construction, the village is also looking at using the fund balance for improvements to the Old Mill, as well as the Old Town Hall. Those improvements will include painting as well as repairs and maintenance. The work on the Old Town Hall is planned for 2015, while the Old Mill will receive improvements this coming new year.
‘We can’t lose that Mill, it’s important,? said Lyons.