Village residents will see higher sewer costs in 2009

Goodrich-Village sewer bills are increasing.
The village council voted 4-1 at Monday’s meeting to approve a 27 percent increase in sewer fees for the 641 village residents who utilize the county sewer system. The price hike, effective Jan. 2, will be reflected on village residents? March invoices and hikes county charges from $19.05 per quarter to $24.14.
Councilmember Patricia Wartella voted against the rate hike passed on to residents.
John O’Brien, P.E. Director, Genesee County Drain Commissioner’s Office, Division of Water and Waste Services said several factors added to the fee increase.
‘We are the third highest user of electricity in the county,? said O’Brien. ‘Our Consumers Energy costs went from $3 million to $6 million in a little over one year. The raw metals material for pipe construction increased from $100 to $800 per ton. The rates are suffcient without new construction’which has slowed due to the poor economy.?
Village Administrator Jakki Sidge said the price increase comes after the village was notified last month of the change.
‘This increase is a pass through from the county to the residents,? said Sidge. ‘The village can’t absorb all that.?
The last rate increase by the county for sewer service was in 2002. In 2007, the county changed the rate structure from minimum volume to a Readiness to Serve and commodity rate. According to the Genesee County Drain Commission, this rate structure change did not significantly alter the reserves.
According to a statement from the Genesee County Drain Commission, there were significant cost increases in chemicals, biosolids disposal, and health care. In addition, the county has reduced retirement benefits, health care benefits, and in 2008 had a pay freeze for employees.