Village sidewalks

Ortonville- After a walk-through of the village, councilmembers have determined that 447 squares of concrete sidewalk need to be replaced.
At a cost of about $4 per square foot, this will amount to approximately $29,600 in repairs. Village Manager Ed Coy said he is writing a request for proposal, after which a notice for bids will be published. Officials are hoping to have at least some, if not all, of the work done this summer.
Councilmembers rated sidewalks on a scale of zero to five, with five being the worst (completely destroyed or fragmented). Sidewalks that received a five rating will be replaced, as well as sidewalks receiving a four rating (four or more cracks through the slab and/or shifted 1? or more) and three rating (one to three large cracks through the slab and/or slab shifted 1/2? to 1?).
Coy said the sidewalks needing to be replaced are not concentrated in one area, rather, they are located all over the village.