Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
The annual VFW Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen essay packets are now available.
The theme for Voice of Democracy is ‘Is America Today our Forefathers’ Vision’ and the first place essay prize is $400, second place is $150. The packets are available in the counseling offices at Brandon and Goodrich high schools and is open to high school students.
The theme for Patriot’s Pen is ‘My Voice in America’s Democracy’ and the first place essay prize is $200, second is $150, and third is $100. The packets are available in the counseling office at Brandon Middle School.
The deadlines for both essay contests is Oct. 31.
The VFW also honors a high school, middle school, and elementary school teacher with $100 for the honor of teacher of the year. The packets for teacher of the year are in the school buildings, and the nomination deadline is also October 31.
For more information, contact VFW Post 582 commander Dennis Hoffman, 248-627-1065.

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