Vote Nov. 3: Millage renewal, one school board seat

Brandon Twp.- Voters will face just two decisions on the November school district ballot? election of a new school boardmember and whether to pass a millage renewal.
Rob Privette, a 48-year-old engineer and Purdue University graduate, is a shoo-in to the school board, as he is the only candidate on the ballot.
The millage renewal, while not a sure thing, is vital to keeping teachers and programming intact in the schools.
‘If we don’t get this, we would probably lay off teachers, stop purchase of any new material, and it would impact programming,? said Superintendent Lorrie McMahon.
As a non-homestead tax renewal, the measure would not impact most residents. The proposal is a renewal of 17.9496 mills on businesses and secondary residences, such as vacation homes. It will not have any impact on primary residences.
This millage has been in effect since the mid-90s, McMahon said, when Proposal A took effect, changing the basis of school funding from property taxes to sales tax and lottery.
Approval of the millage will not change current business and secondary residence tax bills, she noted.
‘Even though there isn’t much on the ballot, we’re still hoping people will get out and vote, since it is our responsibility as citizens to do that,? McMahon said.
Election day is Nov. 3.