Voters pick Patterson, Boatman for school board

Results are in for Tuesday’s school board election: Joan Patterson easily won re-election, with 1,048 votes, 35.85 percent of the total. Susan Boatman also joins the school board, with 690 votes, 23.61 percent of the total.
Challengers Jeff Broughton received 444 votes, 15.19 percent; Brian Kitchin, 404 votes, 13.82 percent; and Joe Wauldron, 334 votes, 11.43 percent.
Voter turnout was about 4.9 percent. About 1,655 out of 33,778 registered voters in 16 precincts in Clarkston, and Independence, Springfield, White Lake, and Waterford townships, cast a ballot.
The turnout was low even by school-board election standards, officials said.
‘It was extremely light,? said Michelle Cox, Springfield Township clerk’s office. ‘One precinct had only one voter so far (at about 2 p.m.).?
The turnout might have been light because no bond proposal was on the ballot, said Sandy Miller, elections supervisor for Independence Township.
Turnout was about normal for a school election in Clarkston, said Clerk Art Pappas.
Patterson and Boatman start their four-year terms in June.
Check and next week’s print edition for more information.