Which side of his mouth he should be speaking out?

Dear Editor,
Article ‘Saroli not for raising taxes? dated August 25, 2011 is actually causing many residents to understand that Mr. Saroli DOES NOT know which side of his mouth he should be speaking out of. Let, me be perfectly clear there is NO SPIN on the Village of Goodrich budget that Mr. Saroli would have you to believe. I am only going to quote what he has publicly stated and then we can ask the question whether he is telling the whole truth or just half truths. Or is it a spin that he is hoping that it is to his advantage. In the Citizen August 13, 2011, Mr. Saroli states ‘The rainy day fund has been depleted and if residents want a greater amount, taxes will have to go higher.? On August 8, 2011, Mr. Haiser, CPA gave a comparison of what other Villages are paying regarding taxes and stated that the Village of Goodrich is paying the lowest. What exactly do you think Mr. Haiser, CPA is leading too? The answer is he laying the ground to state just what Mr. Saroli stated that ‘The rainy day fund has been depleted and if residents want a greater amount, taxes will have to go higher.? On August 20, 2011 Mr. Emch did his own home work to find that Mr. Haiser CPA information was VERY SLATED AND FAR FROM BEING PARALLEL. Why is there no mention of the Plante and Moran Study and consolidation of servic es to help facilitate the depleted Fund Balance? You see it is Mr. Saroli that stated that your taxes will have to go higher. People you need to be aware of the facts in the State of Michigan. Governor Synder is pushing for increased service and consolidation. To get a piece of the $200 Million in revenue, municipalities must submit plans for cooperating, collaborating or consolidating by January 1, 2012. To get a share of the $5 Million grant funds plans must be submitted by November 1,2011 according to the state’s website. What is Mr. Saroli, Mr. Horton, and Mr. Morey doing? Why are they not pursuing the Plante and Moran Study that President Wartella was advocating and passionately pursuing? Why hasn’t this study been presented? What are they afraid of? Is it business as usual or is it really about consolidation? I believe we all should question their motives!
Greg Konkle