Wild Ones awarded for Rain Garden

Clarkston Wild Ones, formally known as Clarkston Watershed Group, recently earned the Distinguished Service Award by the Keep Michigan Beautiful Foundation, a non-profit organization, for their Clarkston Rain Garden in Depot Park.
‘It’s kind of nice to be recognized statewide for an activity here in Clarkston,? said Wild Ones President James Brueck.
Brueck said the award recognizes the group for the value of the project and the action of bringing people together.
‘The value of the project, that’s mitigating the storm water runoff the parking lot, preventive from getting into the mill race, as well as drawing together a coalition of other groups like River of Life, Boy Scout Troop 189, Natural Plant Initiative, American Roots, and local volunteers to come together for a common cause and good purpose,? he said.
Cory and Robyn Johnston and Colleen Schmidt made the trip to Kalamazoo to receive the award on behalf of the group.
‘I think it was great to be honored at statewide competition like that,? Cory said. ‘I was absolutely amazed our little rain garden would be recognized by a statewide agency.?
Schmidt agreed.
‘I’m very proud of it and very proud of the efforts of all our volunteers working together,? she said.