Wires cut, door pried open in biz burglary

OXFORD TWP. ? Employees of Raven Engineering, Inc. arrived at work Monday morning to discover their facility had been robbed at some point over the weekend.
‘They got hit pretty good,? said Oakland County Sheriff’s Det. Jason Louwaert. ‘Right now, it appears people entered the building and took some auto parts and some office supplies.?
Raven Engineering, Inc. is located at 3270 Adventure Lane, near Oakwood Rd. In business since 1997, the company provides balancing-related products and technical services for automotive parts and systems, machinery such as spindles, tooling and fixtures, heating/ventilation/cooling fans and more.
The burglary occurred sometime between when the last employee left around 12 noon on Saturday and when workers arrived Monday around 7 a.m.
‘It looks like one of the doors was pried open,? Louwaert said. It was an entry door located in the back of the building.
Whoever broke in, also clipped some wiring.
‘I don’t know which wires are connected to what, but there were some wires cut on the outside of the building,? Louwaert said. ‘Most of the time, a (security) alarm is connected to a phone line, so that the alarm company can be contacted. A lot of times (burglars) will cut phone lines, so the alarm company won’t be alerted.?
‘I checked with our dispatch (center), we didn’t receive any alarms,? the detective noted. ‘I checked all the way back to Friday night and we didn’t get any calls (about) alarms or any other calls for service during that time on Adventure Lane.?
Sheriff’s crime scene investigators scoured Raven’s facility for clues.
‘They looked for evidence of tool marks and fingerprints, and took photographs,? Louwaert said. ‘That’s all still being processed.?
As for the types, quantities and values of the stolen items, that’s all being determined by Raven.
‘They’re still doing an inventory right now,? Louwaert said. ‘They’ve given me an idea of what they’re missing, but they haven’t been able to give me a dollar value yet.?