Wolf big winner in library’s summer reading program

The Oxford Public Library just wrapped up their teen summer reading program. Open to all students in grades 6-12, this year’s program ran from June 18 – July 31.
In total, 122 teens participated in the reading contest. In addition to the main reading challenge, many teens participated in programs ranging from a self-defense workshop, film studies, and the Bats of the World program–always a crowd pleaser!
Participating teens were awarded tickets for projects they completed. A main prize drawing was conducted at the end of the reading challenge. Winners were:
An iPod Touch was awarded to Grand Prize winner Jillian Wolf, a freshman at Oxford High School. A free pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream was awarded to the following runners-up: Kayla Hung, Hannah Shonfeld, Megan Arnbruster, Jason Dudewicz, Angelo Hutchinson, Alana Whims, Piper Aldrich, Logan Medel, Sydney Young, and Georgia Waters.
Wolf is headed into high school this fall, and she plans to enroll in the Oxford Virtual Academy. For the teen reading series she said she ‘read a lot of books and (wrote) a lot of book reviews.? Christian fantasy is her favorite genre to read–books like the Narnia Chronicles by C.S. Lewis and the Dragons in our Midst series by Brian Davis.
In addition to her literary pursuits, Wolf enjoys Irish dancing and playing the piano.
Congratulations to Ms. Wolf and all the summer readers!
If you’d like to take part in the library’s teen workshops, please contact the Head of Teen Services Charli Osborne at (248) 628-3034.