Work repairs sinkholes near Goodrich Dam

Goodrich- A series of sinkholes reported last year near the century-old village dam has prompted some extensive repairs this spring. Work began June 2 on the village dam and is expected to take about a week to complete, said Pete Morey, village council member and street administrator. The water in the pond was lowered on […]

Goodrich Meadows special assessment

Goodrich-In a special meeting on May 27 the village council voted 4-0 to move forward with a special assessment for paving Goodrich Meadows subdivision. Paving of the development will begin in the spring of 2015. In February 2013 Davison-based C & L Ward Brothers purchased the remaining parcels in Goodrich Meadows located in the village […]

Vandal spree irks residents

Goodrich-Sometime in the early morning hours of Monday, several Hegel Road residents reported vandalized mailboxes. As many as 20 boxes were damaged in the late night destruction. The Genesee County Sheriff Department received several calls following the acts of vandalism Mark Baldwin, a village council member and Hegel Road resident, was awakened early Monday morning. […]

Twp. eyes vehicle for fire chief

Atlas Twp.-At their May 19 meeting, the board of trustees agreed to move forward with the purchase of a vehicle for the township fire chief. Township Trustee Barry June suggested the purchase for Fire Chief Fred Forys. ‘Right now the fire chief drives his own vehicles to the scene of a fire,? he said. ‘If […]

Erie Street project June 16

Goodrich- On Tuesday morning the village council voted 4-0 to give the final go ahead to work on Erie Street. The Erie Street project will begin on June 16 when school is dismissed and includes milling, reservicing of about 1,200 feet of roadway, and repair to drains along the section from the culvert over Kearsley […]

County hikes sewer rates

Atlas Twp.- On Monday night the board of trustees OK’d a sewer cost increase from $154 per quarter to $170. The township has about 75 residents on the system. The Village of Goodrich, with more than 500 residents on the system, will increase rates from $111.27 per quarter to $124.51. The rate hike was announced […]

Schools of Choice, enrollment key in budget

Goodrich- On Monday night the board of education moved forward with a proposed budget for the 2014-2015 school year. ‘We are anticipating losing 60 students for the 2014-2015 school year,? said Scott Bogner, district superintendent. About 170 students will graduate from the high school this year and the incoming freshman class will be about 200. […]

Mt. Bethel Cemetery survey

Groveland Twp.-On April 14, the township board voted 5-0 to pay up to $500 for Clarkston-based Kieft Engineering to map the Mt. Bethel Cemetery. Township officials say markers at the cemetery, which date back to the early 1800s, have been damaged over the years. Many stones have been vandalized and removed over the years. Last […]

Ortonville Skate Park: Closed

Ortonville- By this point in May, area kids have usually been enjoying the Village Skate Park for at least a month. However, skaters and bikers have yet to enjoy the park, which has not opened this season and may remain closed all year. ‘No one has signed up for the skate park,? said Village Manager […]

New Oaktree Elementary principal ready to return to Michigan

Goodrich-On Monday night the school board voted 7-0 to hire Ryan Relken as principal of Oaktree Elementary School. A Port Huron native, Relken, 38, earned a master’s degree, educational leadership and administration, general, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania; master of education (M.Ed.), elementary education and teaching, Northern Arizona University; and bachelor of arts (B.A.), elementary education […]