OAC activities planned for June 10th River Day

The Orion Art Center will host River Day Arts on June 10, 12-5 p.m., offering art activities for children.
In honor of River Day 2006, the center is offering activities, including wind socks and river animal painting, for children ages 5 and up.
The cost is $25 for members, and $30 for guests.
The OAC is located at 115 S. Anderson Street. Call 693-4986 for more details, or visit www.orionartcenter.org
There will be a family bike ride on the Polly Ann Trail on June 10, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The route is intended for experienced riders, but a shorter one is available for beginners.
For more information, contact Lauren Sharer at 391-0304, ext. 138, or email lmsharer@oriontownship.org
Free River Day T-shirts will be available at most events. River Day is presented by the Clinton River Watershed Council, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting, enhancing and celebrating the Clinton River, its watershed and Lake St. Clair.
For more information on all River Day activities, visit www.crwc.org, or call (248) 601-0606.