Village council dumps GCRC proposal

Goodrich – It’s thanks, but no thanks, to the Genesee County Road Commission. The village DPW will stay.
That’s the message from the village council following Monday night’s meeting regarding a proposal last August from GCRC Manager John Daly to the village to maintain the roads in the villages of Gaines, Goodrich and Otisville.
After some debate, council members balked at a motion by Councilmember Patty Wartella to pursue further discussions with the county at Monday’s meeting.
‘I am not saying we should eliminate the Department of Public Works altogether, we appreciate the luxuries they give our village; however, I think we should sit down with Mr. Daly if it means saving money,? said Wartella.
Council President Ed York and other councilmembers saw things differently.
?(DPW services) is why our village became incorporated in the early 1950s,? he said. ‘We wanted to make sure the village could make these kinds of decisions so we can improve things the way we want to around the village.?
York will draft a letter on behalf of the council to Daly and the GCRC expressing no interest in the county takeover.

Goodrich – It’s thanks, but no thanks, to the Genesee County Road Commission. The village DPW will stay.
That’s the message from the village council following Monday night’s meeting regarding a proposal last August from GCRC Manager John Daly to the village to maintain the roads in the villages of Gaines, Goodrich and Otisville.
After some debate, council members balked at a motion by Councilmember Patty Wartella to pursue further discussions with the county at Monday’s meeting.
‘I am not saying we should eliminate the Department of Public Works altogether, we appreciate the luxuries they give our village; however, I think we should sit down with Mr. Daly if it means saving money,? said Wartella.
Council President Ed York and other councilmembers saw things differently.
?(DPW services) is why our village became incorporated in the early 1950s,? he said. ‘We wanted to make sure the village could make these kinds of decisions so we can improve things the way we want to around the village.?
York will draft a letter on behalf of the council to Daly and the GCRC expressing no interest in the county takeover.