The Big Chief Barbershop Chorus has installed new officers for the year 2008.
The Big Chief Chorus has 58 members residing in villages and townships across North Oakland County. Starting their term of office in January are President ‘Doc? Mann of Oxford; vice presidents Wayne Cheyne of White Lake, Roger Holm of Clarkston, Jack Teuber of Waterford; Secretary Bob Butcher of Waterford; Treasurer Dar Johnson of Clarkston; and members at large Ron Clarke of Lake Orion, Dave Shantz of Ortonville, and Gil Schreiner and Dave Myre of Waterford. Past-president is Zaven Melkonian of White Lake.
The Big Chief Chorus meets year-around and performs monthly. Rehearsals are held at Waterford Crary Middle School, Waterford, 7:30-10 p.m., Tuesdays.
The chorus celebrates its 65th year of singing in April, 2008.
Their motto is “Good Singing, Good Fun and Good Fellowship.” For more information, call 248-334-3686 or check