Special to The Clarkston News
When it comes to Michigan’s economy, Sen. Michael Bishop (R-Rochester) calls it like he sees it.
“I’ve never seen it this bad,? he said.
The state Senate majority leader for the 12th district, which includes Independence Township, spoke to a group of 17 at the Orion Senior Center Friday morning.
The senator covered a wide range of topics, focusing mostly on the dire state of Michigan’s economy, as well as concerns from those in attendance.
Bishop acknowledged tax increases as the thing on most senior citizens? minds.
“It is counterintuitive to pull out of a recession with a tax increase,? Bishop said. ‘When the government is in a financial jam they tend to look at it from their perspective only.?
Bishop said he opposed Gov. Granholm’s service tax, saying it is important for Michigan to create an environment that is appealing to outside businesses to come set up shop in the state as well as keep businesses in the state that are already here.
“Michigan is really lagging right now,? he said.
Bishop said the solution lies in unification between Democrats and Republicans to come together on important issues such as energy policy, water reform and health care as the population ages and the economy shrinks.
“The state budget depends on a successful economy,? he said. ‘When the economy struggles, the state budget shrinks. It’s a fact of life.?
Bishop, who called himself a fundamentalist when it comes to government, said one possible solution to pull out of the recession is by increasing revenues, not taxes.
“We’ve got to make due with what we have,? he said.
Lisa Sokol, director of the Orion Senior Center, said the senator was chosen to come speak by a monthly advisory council made up of seniors and community leaders.
“We just wanted to give seniors the opportunity to voice their concerns on issues that are related to the main concerns seniors have like Medicare, housing costs and long-term care,? Sokol said.