Palin stole the show, clerk says

Presidential candidate John McCain is supposed to be the Republican Party’s star right now, but it appears his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, is stealing the show.
‘You could tell the crowd was there for her,? said Addison Township Clerk Pauline Bennett.
On Friday, Bennett, a registered Republican, was one of thousands of people who packed the Freedom Hill park amphitheater in Sterling Heights to see McCain and Palin during a post-convention GOP rally.
Bennett observed that whenever Palin’s name was announced the crowd’s noise level was ‘a few octaves higher? than when McCain was mentioned.
When Palin finally took the stage, Bennett said the vice presidential candidate mostly talked about McCain and what he’s going to do for the country if elected.
Although she was disappointed that Palin didn’t talk more about herself and her views, Bennett was impressed with how she electrified the audience.
‘She really rallied the crowd,? Bennett said. ‘They were just screaming no matter what she said.?
Bennett believes the GOP made a ‘smart move? picking Palin as McCain’s running mate ? and not because she’s a woman.
‘She seems like she knows her stuff and she’s enthusiastic, which is something the Republican Party really needed,? she said. ‘A lot of candidates seem out of touch with most people. She seems like she’s in touch. She seems like a real person.?
Bennett’s particularly impressed with Palin’s willingness to challenge the ‘good ol? boys? system in Alaska.
‘That I related to,? she said. ‘She’s not afraid of a battle.?
Despite her favorable impression of Palin, Bennett stressed that she doesn’t base who she votes for on gender and cited failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton as an example.
‘She didn’t do a whole lot for me and she was a woman,? she said.