Treasurer candidate fires back at Bellairs

Sue, Sue, Sue, did the hand and the pen get ahead of the thought process?
I think you have forgotten that you too are still a candidate and still need to be elected in the general election on November 4th. August 5th was just the primaries and come the general election there will be an Independent running for Trustee ? Rudy Reyes. Your name and the other primary leading voters will still be on the ballot and unlike the Primary election, VOTERS CAN CROSS BETWEEN PARTIES AT THIS TIME.
That being said, I don’t see how you can accuse the Leader or C.J. Carnacchio of anything in promoting his campaign position and for that matter how as an active candidate, you can endorse anyone else. Sue I hope you don’t miss your deadline to report your free advertisement in the Leader to the Election Finance Department. But I guess if we all get to do it we don’t have to report anything. Okay everyone jump right on in (or am I really going to have to report this too?).
As for the Leader-bashing people ? I believe the Leader actually endorsed you for the Trustee position in the July 30, 2008 edition. How quickly you forget. I personally am not one for name calling (okay, maybe scallywag) but not most of those other descriptive words C.J. has used. Remember Sue, you could get broomed out by Mister Reyes in November.
DROPPED BY THE COURT ? I guess Joe Ferrari is now on the hook for reporting to the Election Finance Department for his free plug (thanks to you) and do you now need to report something again because you endorsed a candidate freely in the Leader?
Sue, how can you support a person who has admittedly only brought in $50,000 dollars in grants in 16 years of being in the Treasurer’s department(July 30 Leader Chamber Candidates Night)? Okay, let’s be fair and honest and look at only the last 4 years – $50,000 in grants. That’s pitiful! Exactly how hard is it to do that job? You have JOE, and then you have a DEPUTY TREASURER and then you have an ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISSTANT. The system is pretty much automated by computers. Plus, aren’t there auditors that are hired to verify what his department has done?
Joe Ferrari’s NET WORTH to Oxford – DROPPED BY THE COURT doesn’t mean a deal was struck and that cost the Oxford taxpayers money.
Simple math – $50,000 minus $100,000 = Joe’s NET WORTH to Oxford = MINUS $50,000 to the taxpayers of Oxford.
No goals have been set as to a minimum of what Joe should have been bringing in all of these years. A minimum of $50,000 per year should have been set by himself.
His only real goal was to make sure every penny was accounted for? With all of the help and computerization he has? Come on Sue, this is political suicide for you to support him.
‘Joe is working and available in his office?? Sue, $50,000 over 16 years with 2 people assisting him is considered working? He’s grown roots through the chair.
Joe HASN’T ‘proven he wants the job? at all, he’s collecting a pay check and costing the Township money.
I am especially offended to your final comment of being ‘one of the masses who decided to run at the last minute because they got caught up in the path of the pompous (remember who gave you an endorsement in the Leader) Pied Piper Prince of the Press?.
I, LAWRENCE BANACHOWSKI, am running because OXFORD DESERVES BETTER and I can DO BETTER than Joe Ferrari. Not because of the Pied Piper Prince of the Press.

Lawrence Banachowski
Oxford Township