Kick, scream: closest to kingdom

Dear Editor,
(In response to: Believing what you know untrue,? The Citizen, March 7, page 6):
I can’t prove God exists, but I do maintain that the existence of God is rationally acceptable. There is no physical evidence against the existence of God and there is no philosophical argument against the existence of God which simple rules of logic can’t destroy.
Atheism is its own belief system. It is the belief taken on faith and without evidence that God does not exist.
I have not met many pure atheists who just arrived at their atheism by the convincing logic of their arguments. Scratch the surface of most atheists and you will find someone deeply wounded by religion or toxic theism. They often protest too much. The true sign of a convinced atheist would be apathy, not passionate opposition to theism. Those who kick and scream the most are often the ones closest to the door of the kingdom’witness the Apostle Paul’s murderous persecution of Christians prior to his conversion. The fact is that atheists often provide the much needed critique of bad theology that needs to be stripped off the mantle of the church.
The straw men that the atheists destroy are just that.
Missy Francis