It has been my privilege to live and work in Oxford for 35 years.
Over that time, I have been witness to growth and change, especially first hand in the schools. I have seen Oxford at its best and I believe I know what factors are involved.
Oxford is at its best…
‘When input and ideas are both encouraged and valued by leadership.
‘When everyone is heard.
‘When trust, mutual respect, and professional relationships are built and appreciated.
‘When diversity of opinion is managed as a positive resource.
‘When the mindset of leadership is toward facilitation.
‘When there is a commitment to candid, open discussions in conjunction with deep listening.
‘When there is an effort to energize staff to foster mutual support, ownership and commitment.
‘When there are checks and balances within the educational community.
In contrast, we have moved away from these traits and have moved toward a detached and autocratic management style.
In fact, an echo chamber with a know-your-place mentality has been cultivated by administration and benignly ignored by the Board of Education.
Given this educational atmosphere, is it any wonder that the community had to force a discussion of the school of choice initiative?
Is it surprising or predictable that input has not been sought regarding the potential move to the Oakland Athletic Association?
The community needs to insist that decisions about Oxford Schools reflect its input, interests and needs rather than those which reflect the predetermined and fixed certainty apparent in its leadership.
Walter Studinger