Market coming to town

Clarkston Farmers’ Market starts earlier than ever this year, but before even that, organizers present a Plant and Garden Art Sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, June 13.
“The sale focuses on things related to the garden,” said Sharon Matzelle, who is organizing the event, in the parking lot next to city offices and Depot Park, with Louise Kasl.
Local growers and artists will offer organic, native, and Heirloom plants, annuals, perennials, metal crafts, mosaic garden stones, bird houses, tea cup bird feeders, and painted garden furniture, all produced locally.
“It’s an opportunity to talk to growers and buy from growers ? they have lots of valuable information,” Matzelle said.
“I’d like to see the idea grow of supporting the local economy, and your friends and neighbors,” Kasl said. “I’m passionate about it ? buy local, support the community, and lower your carbon footprint.”
Along with River Day activities, the sale promotes native Michigan plants, Kasl said.
“Having River Day at the same time works out,” she said. “We’ll combine efforts to restore habitat. We both support bringing back native species. Invasive species create serious problems and throw off the balance.”
Locally grown plants also do better because they’re on the same cycle, she said.
“They’re timed with the weather here,” she said. “They’ll have the same pattern as your garden.”
The Farmers? Market opens the following Saturday, June 20, 8 a.m.-12 p.m., and continues through Oct. 10. In its fifth year, the market opens earlier this year at farmers’ request.
“A lot of produce is already available,” Matzelle said.
“Businesses are excited about the market. They all want to support it, keep everyone here where they can save money on gas and hopefully spend it in their shops.”
River Day activities include Clinton River cleanup, native plantings, rain garden and children’s garden work with local master gardeners.
For more information on the plant and garden sale, call Matzelle at 248-935-2329 or check