Players relive painful piece of history

A bomb exploded on American Jet Pan Am 103 heading from London to New York City on Dec. 21, 1988. The plane crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 259 people on board and 11 on ground. Clarkston Village Players takes us back to the scene in ‘The Women of Lockerbie.?
‘It’s the story of a couple (Bill and Madeline Livingston) that lost a son in the crash and seven years after the crash they are coming back for the memorial service to try and get some closure,? said Director Melissa Breckenridge. ‘Nothing of their son’s was ever found. There was no body, nothing. It is their struggle in finding peace amidst themselves.?
While in Scotland, Bill and Madeline, played by Brian and Carol Taylor, meet the women of Lockerbie, played by Julie Lux Chaney, Jackie Salter, Irene Hengstebeck, and Nancy Penvose, who are fighting with George Jones, played by Dan Shaw, an agent of the American government.
They are petitioning him to open the warehouse where all the items from the crash scene have been locked, so they might honor the dead and bring some healing to their hurt.
Breckenridge said she wanted to direct the play because it touched her heart.
‘When you’re listening to this and you really internalize what these people went through it just is heart wrenching as evidence by seven years later these people are still in trauma about what happen in their town,? she said. ‘I just feel it is so important to put it in front of people again.?
Breckenridge is a life member of CVP.
‘The Women of Lockerbie? is performed November 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21 at the Depot Theater, 4861 White Lake Road.
For tickets, call 248-573-4104. Tickets are also available at Rudy’s Market, 9 S. Main Street. For more information, visit