Out 728 registered voters only 188 or 26 percent made it to the polls for Clarkston’s single district
Thomas E. Hunter led the vote count for a two-year spot on Clarkston City Counil, with 113 votes.
‘I appreciate the support of the voters and I’ll do my best to justify their confidence,? Hunter said.
Next in line was newcomer Stephen F. Hargis with 112 votes.
‘It’s a great opportunity to get involved in the city activities and try and make an improvement where I can,? Hargis said.
Incumbent James Brueck took the final two year spot with 103 votes.
‘I think it’s great,? he said. ‘I’m pleased I go the support from the community and look forward to serving the public for the next two
Challenger Craig Frasa received 80 votes, with 38 write-in votes.
Peggy J. Roth earned a one-year term with 78 votes.
‘I am very pleased to have been given the opportunity to serve on the city council for another year,? Roth said.
Virginia Schultz received 71 votes, and write-in candidate Carol Eberhardt received 17 votes.