Plenty of Christmas fun, giving downtown

The Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is celebrating the upcoming holidays in downtown Oxford, by giving back to those in need through the Oxford Giving Trees, a seasonal promotion aimed at reinforcing the spirit of community.
The promotion, which begins November 27, 2009 and ends December 31, 2009, will benefit the following local charitable organizations: Banbury Cross, Crossroads for Youth, Haven, Love INC, Meals on Wheels (prepared by OPC), Orion/Oxford Boys and Girls Club, Orion/Oxford FISH, Problem Pregnancy Center, and Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance.
To give back to our community, visitors are asked to bring monetary donations and non-perishable food items to participating businesses in the Oxford DDA district, write their names on an ornament provided and hang it on the Oxford Giving Tree displayed in the business storefront.
For every $10 or 10 non-perishable food items a person donates, their name will be entered in a drawing to receive a $500 gift certificate redeemable at businesses located within the Oxford DDA district.
The official kick-off of the Oxford Giving Trees will be held during the Oxford Tree Lighting Ceremony in Centennial Park, located in the heart of downtown Oxford on Friday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m.
This year’s ceremony will feature holiday entertainment provided by the Oxford High School Marching Band and Choirs, Oxford Middle School Choirs and the Chippewa Valley High School Alumni Choir.
Additional activities sponsored by Genisys Credit Union, Meijer and Candy Cane Christmas Tree Farm will include the lighting of the Oxford Christmas Tree; FREE hot chocolate and cookies; FREE holiday family photo sessions with photos posted on our website and available for downloading; children’s holiday storytelling at the Northeast Oakland Historical Museum and moonlight shopping and dining at participating shops and restaurants in the Oxford DDA district.
For more information about the Oxford Giving Trees, the Oxford Tree Lighting Ceremony or to learn about volunteer opportunities, visit