DDA seeks outside help for its financial records

The Oxford Downtown Development Authority is looking for someone to straighten out its financial records and keep them in order on a month-to-month basis.
‘As far as we know, the money’s okay, but the records aren’t,? said DDA Chairman Mark Young. ‘We’re quite confident that the money is there, it’s just we don’t know exactly where it’s at. If the records were clear, then we could say with 100-percent confidence that we know the money’s there.?
To solve its bookkeeping problems, the DDA is seeking proposals for an outside party to provide accounting and auditing services (see public notice on page 27). Proposals are due by 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10.
‘We’re going to have a more direct link of communication and accountability for the numbers,? Young said.
Over the years, the DDA has always relied on various employees from the village office to handle its financial records, but Young indicated this arrangement hasn’t worked out too well.
‘Even though everybody’s been walking around saying that we’re communicating better and communication’s the key, it’s simply not occurring,? he explained. ‘We’re not getting the correct numbers that we need. There’s dissention in the municipality ? meaning in the administrative office ? as to what’s accurate and what’s not.?
That’s no longer acceptable, according to Young.
‘As far as the DDA’s concerned, we’re not comfortable and we’re not going to accept that anymore, so we’re going to take over this (responsibility),? he said.
Rather than ‘relying on somebody else’s work,? Young said the DDA wants ‘somebody that reports directly to us? and can give a ‘straight answer.?
‘That takes the politics out of it, the dancing around,? he said. ‘It becomes a much more direct path between us and the numbers.?
Right now, the problem is ‘nobody’s directly accountable to the DDA,? in Young’s opinion. Young believes the accounting/auditing position will be a part-time gig requiring, in his estimation, maybe five hours a week.
‘It’s not a huge amount of work,? he said. ‘It shouldn’t be a huge expenditure.?