Good Citizens honored

Sashabaw Plains Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, honored local students Aditi Patel, Bettina Mulligan, and Alexis Dickie as DAR Good Citizen of the Year at their schools.
Patel, a senior at Clarkston High School, is in marching band and concert band, and is an accomplished pianist with Superior Federation Competition Awards. She plays soccer and is in the Spanish Club. She has volunteered with Summer in the City, Detroit, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, North Sashabaw Elementery reading program, and English as a second language. She intends to major in pre-dentistry at Michigan State University or at University of Michigan.
Mulligan, a senior at Our Lady of Lakes High School, is a member of National Honor Society and Phi Beta Kappa. She is a Cum Laude Scholar, Michigan Competitive Scholar, and has received the President’s Excellence Award. She participates in soccer, track and field, volleyball, and bell and vocal choir. Her volunteer activities include American Red Cross blood drive coordinator, Grace Center of Hope, and eighty hours of service off campus. She plans to major in Education and American History in college.
Dickie, a senior at Brandon High School, is in National Honor Society, is president of Student Council, and has held many positions in Student Government. She was captain and the most valuable player of the varsity tennis and varsity girls golf team. Her service activities include organizing drives for toys, for canned food, and six American Red Cross blood drives. She also volunteers for English as a Second Language, and for O.A.T.S., Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles. She intends to major in pre-law at a Michigan college.
The Sashabaw Plains Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution honored high school seniors from participating high schools at their 26th annual Good Citizen luncheon at Red Knapps American Grill in Clarkston, Feb. 9.
The DAR, founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children.
For information about the Sashabaw Plains Chapter DAR, contact Registrar Dorothy Lowe at 248-625-5239, or