Congratulations and farewell to school retirees

Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education recognized more than 60 employees throughout the district, retiring this June or during the 2009-2010 school year.
They extended congratulations and good luck to Dorothy Anderson, Lesley Banycky, Mary Barnard, Henry Beard, Carl Blehm, Gae Bomier, Denise Boucard, Jere Brewer, Bev Brown, James Butzine;
David Campbell, Joseph Choma, Nancy Colbert, Shirley Condron, Janet Danosky, Janet Dobrin, Ruth Duling;
Connie Fleck, Kristine Galaviz, Patricia Goforth, Marilyn Golding, Karen Gonzales, Perry Green, Dale Hamilton, Fred Haynes, Jessica Hirr, Christian Krueger;
Shawlene Ladd, Marilyn Lash, Nancy Larsen, Denise Lennox, Vincent Licata, Deborah Licata, Leonard Loveless, Jane Loveless;
Julie Mathews, Chris McCleese, Blanche Meloche, Vickie Merenik, William Merenuk, Elizabeth Meyer, Robert Monahan, Linda Morrow, Patricia Nienstedt;
Linda Olechowski, Marilyn Ormiston, Gerald Ostrom, Dwight Parsons, Lois Richardson, Albert Roberts, Charles Robinson, Joyce Rochford, Ilona Rosehart, John Ruelle, Vonda Ruth;
Nora Schmidgall, Sandra Schutte, Larry Sherrill, Dorothy Sommers, Judith St. George, Deanna Taylor, Mary Tippen, William Swayne, William Tymkow;
Alonzo Walker, David Whitehead, Ellen Whitehead, Carla Whitney and Patti Wilder.