Community included in process

Full transparency, honesty, putting the children first are just a few characteristics residents Craig Frasa and Suzi Ford are looking for in their next school superintendent.
Frasa and Ford, along with the rest of the community will have their chance to be part of the search for Clarkston Community Schools next superintendent.
The Board of Education had their first meeting with Richard Dunham, Director of Superintendent Services at Michigan Association of School Boards on June 28.
During which they set up a timeline for the process, starting last week with the board members receiving a superintendent profile.
‘It’s very important,? said Dunham. ‘It is what all the board members want in their superintendent.?
After he receives the filled profiles he will compile what all seven members want and bring it back. ‘It will be the initial composite we put in our profile search,? he said.
Next on the timeline is meeting with the community and posting an online survey to gather additional information – this time looking at what the community wants. The survey is series of questions based on the district – the only person who sees and receives the responses is Dunham.
‘It is very secure,? he assured the public. ‘Who sent it is not important. It is what they said.?
He will meet with several groups including PTOs and PTAs, as well as certified, non-certified and administrative staff. He will then put together a community profile for the board.
‘The difference between what the community is seeking and what the board is seeking isn’t far off,? Dunham added. ‘They are looking for the same thing. It is a very positive collaboration and very open.?
Dunham will put together another composite from the board and groups. After the board makes changes the job profile is adjusted and Dunham will rerun the search.
Applications will be available in August for board review. By August 16, the board will go through the candidates during a public meeting and narrow it to six top choices.
‘We take very seriously the Public Meetings Act,? said Dunham. ‘We will number the candidates and will talk about them by number.?
Through this process the community can hear about the candidates, the board’s discussion and the vote as chose the candidates to interview for the position.
From August 24-26, they will hold interviews with experience based questions and narrow down the candidates and hire by September 8.
Check website for the official dates for the community focus groups.