Turtle Toys expands with new store

Great Turtle Toys recently opened a second location, 5530 Sashabaw Road
“We’re really excited ? it’s a more convenient, accessible location for people,” said owner Jamie Nye-Menyan. “We’re right next to Dairy Dream ? it’s a good pairing.”
The Sashabaw Road toy shop and its current location at 6160 Dixie Highway will both be open through the holiday season, then will consolidate at the new store.
“The new location is a lot bigger, about 50 percent bigger,” she said. “We’ll be able to hit more age ranges with all the extra space. It’s an opportunity to bring in things we couldn’t have before.”
The larger showroom will allow for more kites, windwheels, outdoor decor, and children’s book displays, as well as space for story time and puppet theater.
“It’s a big benefit,” she said. “There’s lots of tables with toys set up on them where kids can come in and just play.”
The store opened three weeks ago.
“It’s been great,” she said. “It beat the other store already, that’s a good sign.”
For more information, call 248-623-3200.