Brandon SOC win-win for community

Dear Editor,
Community residents, Brandon School District parents and students:
The Brandon Board of Education wants to thank each of you who came forward to speak on the topic of schools of choice (SOC). Whether it was an in-person contact during a public meeting, a written letter, a phone call to one of the board members, or an e-mail, we valued your comments and concerns.
Although a challenging discussion at times, we pressed on, and last Monday night the work of the last five months culminated in the adoption of new SOC guidelines designed to improve the educational experience for our teachers and students. This is a win-win for our district, and a great example of our democratic process in action.
Superintendent McMahon will continue to stay on top of this topic and keep the Brandon Board of Education informed as state level legislation is expected to shift this practice even further along.
Debbie Schummer, President, Board of Education Brandon
School District