TSC plan here, but it’s on hold

By C.J. Carnacchio
Leader Editor
Plans for a proposed Tractor Supply Co. (TSC) were submitted to Oxford Township, however, they won’t be discussed at the June 23 planning commission meeting as was originally expected.
‘The Oxford project is definitely on hold,? wrote Don Kettler, of the Muskegon-based DMK Development, in a June 2 e-mail.
DMK Development is developing the proposed Oxford TSC, which would occupy 3.42 acres of an 11.47-acre parcel located on the east side of M-24 between Meijer and E. Market St. The land is currently owned by the Clinton Township-based Aragona Properties.
Kettler indicated there’s an issue with some legal language pertaining to the pending sale of the property on which TSC is proposing to build its store.
‘I have not seen any acceptable agreement language from (the) seller and therefore, (I) have not been able to get TSC’s comment,? he wrote. ‘I don’t think either the seller or DMK Development want to spend funds until we resolve this issue.?
‘This hopefully will be resolved in the near future, but for now, (we) would appreciate it if you would inform the township staff/consultants to hold off on completing any more work on this project until we inform you otherwise,? wrote Steve Witte, an engineer with the Grand Rapids-based Nederveld, Inc., in a June 2 e-mail to the township.
‘This obviously will potentially/likely impact the June 23 PC meeting and move it back a month (or more), which is okay (it can be delayed),? Witte noted.
Sizewise, the TSC building, which would be located directly east of the existing Tim Horton’s and BoRics Hair Care, is proposed to be 19,097 square feet.
But the proposed site includes lots of outside space as well such as a 15,568-square-foot ‘fenced outdoor sales area,? located on the building’s north side.
In addition to the outdoor sales area, TSC is proposing two ‘permanent trailer and equipment display? areas, totalling 3,131 square feet, and four ‘permanent sidewalk display? areas, totalling 3,607 square feet.
According to the plans, the proposed TSC would employ approximately 15 people and typically, there would be six employees working at any given time.
The proposed TSC is being submitted as part of an overall Planned Unit Development (PUD) for the 11.47-acre Aragona property.
The proposed PUD plan shows two ‘possible future? buildings located north of TSC. One building is listed as 16,831 square feet, while the other is shown to be 13,218 square feet.
‘Possible outdoor cafe seating? is shown adjacent to the 13,218-square-foot building.