100 years of scouting excellence

The Girl Scouts of America has taught young girls across the nation important values such as honesty, friendship and courage for years and this year marked the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of America.
Despite the 32 degree weather on April 28, the Girl Scouts of Southeast Michigan came together for the celebration. The organization held its event at the Bald Mountain Recreational Area in Lake Orion. While the weather was uninviting, it did not stop over 700 girls and their families from coming out to bond by doing various fun activities together. Kerry Marlow, who is a Girl Scout leader, explained why she helped put together this celebration.
‘This year is the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts of America, so we put together different activity stations for the girls,? said Marlow. ‘I helped put this on because the Girl Scouts in this area have not congregated like this in over 25 years and as a Girl Scout, we did this at least four or five times a year. We knew everybody from all the different areas around us.?
Marlow went on to say that she wanted the girls to learn how to make new friends and understand that there are more girls than just their little troop. One of the big events of the day was the balloon release, where a troop leaders? emails were tied to a balloon and released into the sky. They would then travel along the sky until somebody found them.
‘The balloons were released into the air that had our troop leaders? emails on them. Then, the people who would find them would email the leader and say where they found it. Whose ever balloon went the farthest would win,? said Girl Scout Emily.
‘My favorite part was just hanging out with the girl scouts, playing games, and singing songs at the bonfire,? said eight year old Kara.