Letter to the Editor: Custodial comments

I would like to address the person(s) who feel they need to cut the custodial staff from the Lake Orion schools and replace them with cheaper rent-a-custodian.
I am speaking from experience. When the economy was good, I worked for a company that decided to do what you are proposing. Computers, office equipment and personal belongings disappeared weekly. The bathrooms were never clean again. They went through three different services and it never got better.
The custodial staff in Lake Orion should be commended for their hard work, dedication and concern for our schools and their students even through their own cuts.This I speak of from experience as well. When my daughters were in elementary school they often forgot books or homework and were fortunate that the custodian was willing to let them in to retrieve what they needed. They knew us by name and were always looking out for the school while they cleaned.
At Scripps Middle School I have been in charge of the Friends and Fun Nights for the past 5 years. The custodians have always been there for me and I always make sure we make their job easier for clean up after these huge events. They truly watch out for the students and have gone above and beyond for me ,i.e.: retrieving beans bags out of the rafters of the cafeteria, fixing ping pong tables or refrigerators or finding recycling bins for me.
In High School I have run the All Night parties for the Marching Band for two years and am so appreciative of the custodians watching over our party and locking down the classrooms and helping me locate items needed. At one point there was a dance recital and a sporting event going on while marching band families were delivering items for the party. The custodians grabbed up our stuff and locked it in a room to keep it safe from outside groups. They have even let me know if any student wandered in an area they shouldn’t be in during these events.
Most of these Lake Orion custodians have gone to school here, had or have children of their own in the school system and have respect and deeply care for our schools. They know the students and the parents and the staff. You can’t rent this. With sometimes five outside groups using the High School or Middle schools on a weekend, who do you think will be watching over your school and its belongings? It won’t be the rent-a-person that’s for sure. They’ll be too busy scoping out what they can take.
Very upset with this proposal
Kelly Pendergrass