Lessons with lemons

Students at Springfield Plains Elementary School learned some business skills while offering a refreshing beverage to their classmates, June 1.
In an early celebration of National Lemonade Day, set for June 9, students in grades 1-5 formed teams, complete with business and marketing plans, to raise money for local charities and groups.
“We had a workshop a couple weeks ago,” said Katie Cantwell, parent volunteer. “They learned what it takes to plan an event and all aspects of starting a little business. We talked about different ways to differentiate themselves. Some offered free cookies and crafts ? they had great ideas.”
The students contacted local businesses, asking for sponsorships to purchase supplies, and made signs to attract their customers ? fellow students during lunch.
“They called businesses, using a script they wrote,” Cantwell said. “We’ve very thankful to our sponsors.”
Sponsors included EdibleWow, JR Turnbull, CABi, Patriot Pumps, and Merrill Lynch tutor group.
? Phil Custodio