‘Heart of Gold Award?

For almost five years Bob Lowe, 69, makes a drive from his home in Auburn Hills to the Heritage Place Independent Living Apartments once a month to play his guitar and sing for the senior citizens living there.
‘I go to places like this and entertain a lot,? he said. ‘Four to six days a week.?
On June 7, Laurie Losiewicz, along with other residents presented Lowe with a ‘Heritage Place Heart of Gold? certificate for coming to them every month and playing for free.
‘We wanted to give him this award because this is from the heart,? said Losiewicz, who’s been a long time friend with Lowe. ‘You won’t find a better golden hearted guy anywhere than Bob.?
Lowe got started in traveling and singing about 15 years ago after he retired as an autoworker for Ford Motor Company.
‘My intention was when I retired from Ford I was going to do string instrument repair,? he said. ‘I was doing quite a bit of that, but also built a few custom guitars.?
One of the men he built a guitar for was Andy Wilkins, who played guitar and sang at local senior centers. When Lowe finished Wilkins guitar, Wilkins invited him out to play with him and see if he liked it. He liked it so much he quit building guitars and put his efforts into playing and singing at various places.
‘I just enjoy doing the old songs and singing for seniors,? he said. ‘It’s more fun than playing in the clubs.?
Lowe said he plays hits from the ?40’s, ?50’s and some ?60’s. He originally started with only 40 songs and now has over 900 songs that he keeps on a laptop computer. He also makes sure he sings favorite songs of those in the crowd.
‘People love to hear their own songs and I love to sing them,? he said. ‘I’m really fortunate and blessed just to come out here and do this.?