Addison Township treasurer profiles

Editor’s Note: There are two Republican candidates running in the Aug. 7 primary election for the four-year position of Addison Township Treasurer. Answers to the profile questions were limited to 25 words each.

Daniel Alberty
Age: 67
Municipality and years of living there: Addison Township resident for 29 years.
Family: Wife Kathleen, Daughter April, Son Daniel Jr., 2 Grandchildren: Miranda 14 and Lauren 10
Occupation: Addison Township Treasurer.
Previous Government Experience: 33 Years as Federal Auditor, retired as Branch Manager. 11 years on Addison Board of appeals, 8 of those as Chairman before being asked in 2000 to replace Ray Terry upon his retirement.
Community Involvement: Treasurer of NOTA Board, member of Arnold School Restoration Committee, alternate for Addison representative on Cable Commission, Addison representative on Lakeville Lake Improvement board.
1) Why are you running for office? To continue integration to County Tax system and provide more paperless records when requested and maintain the personal relationships that make residents comfortable.
2) If elected, what do you hope to accomplish? We need to pursue additional sources of revenue. I would set our sights on another park for soccer baseball and picnic lunches for residents.
3) How do you plan to bring your goals to fruition? I would use the boards and committees in place to accomplish these goals. We have been extremely successful in obtaining volunteers for most work.
4) What do you view as the most important responsibility of an elected official and why? An elected official has to remember they represent the people that elected them. If they betray that trust they cast doubt on all elected officials.
5) In a nutshell, why should people vote for you? I believe I should be elected based on my education, prior Township involvement, proven performance, and endorsements such as Pat Dohaney retired Oakland county treasurer.

Lori Fisher
Age: 40
Municipality of residence and number of years lived there: Addison Township, 8 yrs
Family: Husband and 3 children
Occupation: Real Estate Agent
Educational Background: Bachelors of Science in Finance, Walsh College
Community Involvement (i.e. charities, service clubs, etc.): Leonard Elementary PTO president 3 yrs, treasurer 1 yr, Moms Club of Oxford president, Friends of the Addison Twp. Library vice-president, Walnut Hills Condo Association vice-president.
1) Why are you running for office? To restore the checks and balances that should be present in a government held office; to serve public with energy, enthusiasm, and dedication.
2) If elected, what do you hope to accomplish? Increase efficiency and level of customer service of the treasury office and to be a value-added addition to the board and community leadership.
3) How do you plan to bring your goals to fruition? Seek more communication and input from community. Be a better listener and implement positive changes for economic and community development.
4) What do you view as the most important responsibility of an elected official and why? To act in the highest ethical manner that best represents the constituents.
5) In a nutshell, why should people vote for you? I am focused and energetic and will be proactive with the townships needs and challenges. I will work for the community’s goals and vision.