Blue turf update: $100K rolled in over last month

In the past month, the drive to pay off Oxford’s synthetic blue turf has been moving more at a hare’s pace than a turtle’s.
According to Jim Reis, chairman of Oxford’s Turf Committee, about $100,000 in pledges and donations have come in during the past month. The committee had previously paid $100,000, leaving a debt of $300,000.
That means about $200,000 is still needed to pay off the turf, which cost about $400,000.
‘We are halfway to our goal with our pledges and donations. The response has been overwhelming especially in the past month,? Reis said.
After the story of Oxford’s blue turf made national news, Reis said donations began rolling in.
‘One auto dealer from Texas sent us a check for $500 and a football coach from California sent $100.?
This week, the Turf Committee held a fund-raiser at the Oxford McDonald’s and on Sept. 27, there will be one at Italia Gardens.
Reis said the AstroTurf corporation has been receiving money as it comes in to the turf committee.
AstroTurf stated in a message ? ‘They have been making great progress in the payment of their obligation in recent days.?
Originally, the public was told the debt had to be satisfied by Sept. 1. It’s appears that AstroTurf is being flexible and extended the deadline while working with the Turf Committee in good faith.
‘We will continue our communication with the (turf committee) and monitor the situation closely,? according to AstroTurf’s statement. ‘AstroTurf is very proud of our association with the members of the Oxford Football Booster Club.?